In these uncertain times, why maintain a crew to oversee the hydraulic needs of your energy related business? South Coast Hydraulics can quickly handle most common problems in the field or at your plant, while having the skilled consultants on staff to trouble shoot your most baffling or complicated hydraulic issues.
Oil & Gas
In these uncertain times, why maintain a crew to oversee the hydraulic needs of your energy related business? South Coast Hydraulics has the experienced staff to do it for you. SCH can quickly handle most common problems in the field or at your plant, while having the skilled consultants on staff to trouble shoot your most baffling or complicated hydraulic issues.

Power Generation
With its experienced line-up of former energy-based professionals, SCH is able to provide support to the power generation industry through sales, service and recertification of hydraulic power tools and power units. This support includes services to wind energy, cogeneration energy and coal production plants. SCH also works on all brands of tooling from bolt tensioning equipment to hydraulic power units. Whatever the challenge, South Coast Hydraulics will get you up and running fast.